Nuclear power industry

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Nuclear power industry

ECOTEST TM products have been successfully used for a long time at nuclear power plants in Ukraine, France, Bulgaria, Korea and other countries worldwide. Our devices are effectively used at nuclear power facilities for:

– personnel exposure monitoring,

– continuous area monitoring both indoors and outdoors,

– detection and localization of gamma, beta, alpha and neutron radiation sources.

In case of emergencies ECOTEST TM search devices will quickly detect and localize a radiation threat.

ІТ-09Т Data Panel

ІТ-09Т Data Panel

Displays information about ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation, real time and temperature. The data is communicated from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation, which is included in the delivery kit. IT-09T data panel together with the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation, interface converter, and special software allow creating an automated system for continuous monitoring of background radiation.


ІТ-09 Data Panel

ІТ-09 Data Panel

Displays information about ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation, real time and temperature. The data is communicated from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation, which is included in the delivery kit. IT-09 data panel together with the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation, interface converter, and special software allow creating an automated system for continuous monitoring of background radiation.


BDBG-09 for Gamma Radiation Detection

BDBG-09 for Gamma Radiation Detection

BDBG-09 is used both within data panels and automated systems of radiation monitoring to measure an ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation.




BDBG-09W is used as a part of automated systems of radiation monitoring to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in waterbodies and artificial reservoirs.
A standard version of BDBG-09W is produced with a built-in Geiger-Muller counter.
A modification BDBG-09SW based on the scintillation detector is also available.




BDBG-09S is used for mobile laboratories, as a part of data panels and automated radiation monitoring systems.
It is produced using a highly sensitive scintillator CsI (Tl) with silicon photomultiplier and a Geiger-Muller counter. If the customer chooses so, BDBG-09S can be made of duralumin or stainless steel. A special version of BDBG-09SW detecting unit with a waterproof housing IP68 has been developed for use in waters basins or artificial reservoirs.




Direct reading personal dosimeter for personnel exposure monitoring.
EcotestCARD can be used either independently or within the automated system of personal dosimetry control ASIDC-21.
The dosimeter allows storing dose accumulation history with real time reference in the non-volatile memory, and communicating it to the computer. If the programmed threshold levels of gamma dose or its rate are exceeded, light and audio alarms are actuated.




MKS-UM is a full-range radiation survey device in the field environment, which measures alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. The gamma radiation dose rate is measured from the background to emergency levels. High protection rating and a hard shell allow using the device in harsh climatic and dusty conditions.




Multipurpose search device intended to detect and localize sources of gamma, beta, alpha and neutron radiation.
The standard delivery kit includes gamma and beta radiation detecting units. Alpha and neutron radiation detecting units can be ordered separately.


RadMonitor System

RadMonitor System

RadMonitor is intended for continuous automated radiation monitoring of the environment at radiation hazardous sites. BDBG-09 detecting units of gamma radiation are the key element of the system which also includes IT-09T / IT-09 data panels, isolated interface converters and RadMonitor software. Personal computer can be included in delivery kit a at the customer’s request.


RIK-09 – Radiation Data System

RIK-09 – Radiation Data System

Displays information about the ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation, date, real time and temperature. Data is transferred from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation, which is included in the delivery kit. Data panel together with the detecting unit and software allow creating an automated system for continuous monitoring of background radiation.




BDBG-15S is designed to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in a wide range of values. Suitable for unmanned aerial vehicles, mobile robotic devices, and automated systems of radiation monitoring.

BDBG-15S is available in three modifications: BDBG-15S-09, BDBG-15S-23, and BDBG-15S-90, which differ in size and sensitivity of scintillation detector.


ASIDC Ecotest

ASIDC Ecotest

ASIDC Ecotest is a new-generation software for automated systems of individual dosimetry control. It is designed to control the accumulated doses of staff at the nuclear power facilities and at the institutions dealing with gamma radiation sources.




The system is designed to control the accumulated doses of staff at the nuclear power facilities and at the institutions dealing with gamma radiation sources. DKG-21 EcotestCARD and DKG-21M personal gamma radiation dosimeters which meet the requirements of IEC 61526 standard are the key element of the system. ASIDC-21 also includes the IR port adapters for data transfer between the dosimeters and the PC, as well as the ASIDC Ecotest software.


Emergency dosimetric (EPD) kit

Emergency dosimetric (EPD) kit

Standalone portable kit for individual dosimetry control for emergency groups and teams of NPP radiation surveillance or State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) task units has been developed on the basis of our new software ASIDC Ecotest. The kit is designed to measure individual dose equivalent of gamma radiation and keep automated database of accumulated dose of personnel of emergency groups and teams of NPP radiation surveillance or SESU task units during emergencies.




The distributed two-level RadAr system is designed for remote monitoring of radiation condition of the environment. It
ensures obtaining of real-time information about the level of radiation from fixed or mobile monitoring points. Such monitoring points are built on the basis of the intelligent detecting units of gamma radiation (BDBG-09, BDBG-09S, BDBG-09 water-resistant, BDBG-15S) or data panels (IT-09, IT-09T), connected to a computer. The computer has to be connected to the Internet.




A standalone portable radiation control kit is intended for emergency groups and teams of NPP radiation surveillance and Emergency Service task units


Gamma Sapiens

Gamma Sapiens

Gamma Sapiens is a dosimeter that operates with smartphones and tablets running Android OS via Bluetooth.
The device is designed to measure radiation levels and doses.
Gamma Sapiens continuously transfers measurement results to Android smartphones and tablets in real-time. With the help of the software, the information is processed, displayed in a user-friendly form on a smartphone or tablet, and stored in a special database for further viewing.


DoseG and DoseGX

DoseG and DoseGX

DoseG and DoseGX represent a new EPD-27 family of electronic personal dosimeters from ECOTEST trademark.
The devices are intended for use as part of an automated system of individual dosimetric control and for autonomous use. EPD-27 dosimeters are available in two modifications – DoseG and DoseGX.




BS-09 is designed for light and sound warning of the personnel about radiation levels at radiation hazardous objects and indication of local radiation background.
