BDBG-09 wodoodporny

BDBG-09 wodoodporny

Blok detektowania promieniowania gamma (intelektualny) wodoodporny

  • Zgodny z wymaganiami dotyczącymi oznakowania СЄ 
  • Zgodny z wymaganiami IEC 61526
  • Obudowa szczelna o stopniu ochrony ІР68
  • Odporny jest na wpływ wibracji sinusoidalnych
  • Ciągłe samotestowanie
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[honeypot newname21]
435BDBG-09 wodoodporny





Stosowany jest w składzie systemów automatyzowanych kontroli radiacyjnej do pomiaru mocy ekwiwalentna dawki promieniowania gamma w zbiornikach wodnych i sztucznych. Blok wykonano w obudowie hermetycznej ze stali nierdzewnej i stopniem ochrony ІР68. Maksymalna głębokość zanurzenia w wodę – 20 m. Przy zanurzeniu w wodę blok detektowania odporny jest na wpływ temperatury wody od +3 °С do +60 °С.

Wersja standardowa wodoodpornego BDBG-09 wykonana jest z wbudowanym licznikiem Geigera-Müllera. Także jest modyfikacja na podstawie detektora scyntylacyjnego.


  • Measurement of ambient dose equivalent rate (DER) of gamma radiation. BDBG-09 can be used as a part of the computer-aided systems for radiation monitoring of DER measurement in water bodies and artificial reservoirs.


  • Gamma detecting unit based on the Geiger-Muller counter.

  • Hermetically sealed stainless steel housing.

  • Data exchange between the detecting unit and the data display system through RS-485 interface.

  • Constant self-testing.

  • Indication of the statistical measurement error.

  • Ingress protection rating – ІР68.

  • When immersed in water, the detecting unit is resistant to exposure of: water temperature from +3 to +60 °С; maximum depth of immersion in water – 20 m.

  • The detecting unit is resistant to sinusoidal vibrations according to regulatory documents.

Podstawowe charakterystyki techniczne

Measurement range of gamma radiation DER 0.04 µSv/h – 10 Sv/h
Main relative permissible error limit of gamma radiation DER measurement when calibrated to 137Cs with 0.95 confidence probability ±(15+2/H*(10))%, where H*(10) is a numeric value of measured DER equivalent to µSv/h
Energy range of registered gamma radiation 0.05 … 3.00 MeV(0.05…1.25; ±25%)
Anisotropy of the detecting unit at gamma quanta incidence at angles of +60о to – 60о vertically and horizontally to the main direction of measurement marked by “+” symbol is not more for:
137Cs and 60Со isotopes 25%
241Am isotope 60%
Operating supply voltage range of the detecting unit from external stabilized power supply V 7 … 13,5
Current consumption of the detecting unit for overall range of gamma radiation DER to be measured mA 30
Setup time of operating mode and measurement time of the detecting unit, not more than min 3
Operating temperature range °C -40 (+3 in water) … +60
Maximum depth of immersion of the detecting unit m 20
Dimensions of the detecting unit:
– hermetically sealed housing; mm 49×57.5×310
– length of the connecting cable, not more than m 25*
Weight of the detecting unit (with the connecting cable), not more than kg 5


* Other cable length available on request


  • Certificate of Conformity № UA.TR.113-0113/01F-17 from September, 25 2017

  • Type Examination Certificate № UA.TR.113-0113-17 from September, 18 2017

  • Pattern Approval Certificate of Measuring Instruments # UA-MI/1-1717-2005 of August 15, 2005 (У2071-05 number in the State Register for Measuring Instruments).


  • BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation (water-resistant);
  • connecting cable (25 m);
  • capron rope (25 m);
  • operating manual (one copy per one consignment of the detecting units);
  • logbook;
  • packing box.
  • The delivery kit may include software along with RS-485/USB serial port adapter upon request.