


DoseBase software is compatible with gamma radiation individual dosimeters DKG-21 EcotestCARD, DKG-21M, and EPD-27.

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    DoseBase SW is designed for contactless programming of personal dosimeters by a system administrator and reading the measured dosimetric information from them, as well as personalization of dosimetric information and its storage in the DB.

    The software is compatible with gamma radiation individual dosimeters DKG-21 EcotestCARD, DKG-21M, and EPD-27.

    DoseBase SW can be used at nuclear power plants, in the companies and institutions that handle ionizing radiation sources in conditions that require PD.

    Purpose of Use

    • automation:

      – registration of individual exposure doses;

      – switching the dosimeters into working mode and their programming and switching off after data reading;

      – reading and recording values of dosimetric measurements;

    • adjusting dosimeter programming options;

    • saving the parameters of dosimeter programming until their next changes;

    • registration of employees, their expose dose, and parameters of each session;


    Each measurement session is automatically recorded in the DoseBase software and features a unique number identifier.
    The software enables calculation of the accumulated dose for a specific staff member for every session and generates appropriate reports for all employees, a specific employee, all selected sessions, and a specific session.
    Based on the reports, it is possible to determine the time interval with an accuracy of up to a day, the values of the measured doses that are read from the dosimetric devices, which devices were used by this person in a given period of time to conduct dosimetric measurements.
    • DoseBase software administrator:
    • – views information in the database;
    • – creates and edit service information in DoseBase software;
    • – sets parameters for programming dosimeters;
    • – provides an automated reading of information from dosimeters.
    Download operating manual