ASIDC Ecotest

ASIDC Ecotest

Software for automated system of individual dosimetry control

  • Monitoring and evaluation of the absorbed doses of the staff
  • Data storage on a central server with an option of remote access to the database, and its management via the Internet.
  • Independent programming and reading simultaneously from different workstations
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    • Description
    • Description
    • Description
    • Description


    ASIDC Ecotest is a new-generation software for automated systems of individual dosimetry control. It is designed to control the accumulated doses of staff at the nuclear power facilities and at the institutions dealing with gamma radiation sources.  The software is based on a new up-to-date platform, which will make it relevant in the future. Client-server architecture allows independent operations with the dosimeters on many workstations. It features an option to access the database and manage it via the Internet.

    The software is configured to operate with DKG-21 EcotestCARD and DKG-21M personal gamma radiation dosimeters. It can be supplied as a part of the automated system along with the hardware, in compliance with the needs of the customer.

    Purpose of use

    • Reading of measured personal dose equivalent HP(10) of gamma radiation

    • Automated database support of the accumulated dose of the staff

    • Display of statistical information on dosimetry data

    • Generation and print-out of different types of reports, as well as their export to different formats


    • Support of the automated database of dosimetry measurements with an option of presentation of reporting information about the accumulated doses in a graphic and a tabular view, as well as export to .doc .xls and .xml formats.

    • Sending of the dosimetry data to the server from the special software Terminals that can be installed and work independently on as may workstations as required.

    • Data exchange between the dosimeter and the Terminals is done through a noncontact method via the infrared port.

    • Remote access to the database and its management via the Internet.

    • Programming of the dosimeters’ parameters and operating modes from the Terminal.
