Automatyczny system indywidualnej kontroli dozymetrycznej

  • ТУ У 33.2-22362867-007-2003
  • Numer w rejestrze państwowym przyrządów pomiarowych У1816-07
  • Wniosek państwowej ekspertyzy sanitarno-higienicznej nr 05.03.02-04/41795 as of 10.10.2003
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    • Opis
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    • Opis


    ASIDK-21 może być stosowany w obiektach jądrowych oraz w instytucjach, zajmujących się źródłami promieniowania gamma. Dozymetry promieniowania gamma indywidualne DKG-21 EcotestCARD i DKG-21M, które spełniają wymogi normy IEC 61526 są kluczowym elementem systemu. ASIDC-21 zawiera także adaptery portów podczerwieni do przesyłania danych między dozymetrami i PC oraz oprogramowanie ASIDC Ecotest.


    • Measurement of gamma radiation individual dose equivalent HP(10) and gamma radiation individual dose equivalent rate HP(10);

    • Automated database support of personnel radiation dose load;

    • Display of information on personnel radiation dose load in tabular and graphical form;

    • Generation and printing of various types of reports, as well as their export to other formats.


    • Support of the database of dosimetry measurements with an option to present the reporting information about radiation load of staff in a graphic and a tabular view, as well as export to .doc .xls and .xml formats.

    • Data exchange between the dosimeters and the automated workstation software is done via the infrared port with a noncontact method at a 0.3 m maximum distance between the dosimeter and the port adapter.

    • Sending dosimetric data to the server is carried out from special client applications that can be installed on an arbitrary number of workstations and work independently.

    • Programming of threshold levels of sound and light alarm of the dosimeter relative to individual gamma dose equivalent and its rate.

    • Programming of the frequency of individual gamma dose equivalent history recording in the dosimeter.

    • Denying the display of certain indication modes on the dosimeter’s indicator, as well as the option to switch off the dosimeter until its data is read.

    • Informing about unauthorized power shutdown of the dosimeter.

    • Option of remote access to the database and its management via the Internet.


    • EcotestCARD Personal Gamma Radiation Dosimeter DKG-21 or DKG-21M in the amount as requested by the customer;
    • Computer hardware for the requested number of workstations and servers;
    • IR port adapters for reading for each automated workstation;
    • ASIDC Ecotest Software for server-end and client-end of the system.