BS-09, designed for light and sound warning of the personnel about radiation levels at radiation hazardous objects and an indication of local radiation background. It is mounted in pair with the detecting unit of gamma radiation BDBG-09 and allows warning the personnel working in the area of BDBG-09 coverage about potential radiation hazards.
BS-09 unit can work either autonomously or as a part of a system capable of transferring measurement data via RS-485 and Ethernet interfaces (protocol “modbusRTU” and special “Ecotest” protocol). BS-09 is equipped with a light and sound alarm, which signals about normal radiation background with green light; exceeding the preset threshold level of gamma radiation dose rate with yellow light, and exceeding of safety threshold with red light.
Exceeding of DER threshold and safety threshold also turns on the sound alarm. The programming of threshold levels can be done manually (using buttons on the unit) or from a PC via the network connection. The BS-09 unit also provides power for detecting unit BDBG-09.