Software for Programming and Dosimetry Control

Oprogramowanie do pracy z dozymetrami DKG-21 „EcotestCARD”DKG-21MMKS-U i MKS-07 „POSHUK.


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PDK ECOMONITOR wykorzystuje się na przedsiębiorstwach i w organizacjach, a także przez indywidualnych użytkowników do programowania dozymetrów DKG-21 EcotestCARD i DKG-21M, czytania i przetwarzania komputerowego wyników pomiarów z dozymetrów DKG-21 EcotestCARD, DKG-21M, MKS-U i MKS-07 POSHUK.


  • Automated noncontact programming of the operating modes of DKG-21 “EcotestCARD” and DKG-21M dosimeters.

  • Automated noncontact reading of dosimetric measurement results of DKG-21 “EcotestCARD”, DKG-21M, MKS-U and MKS-07 ”POSHUK” dosimeters.

Podstawowe charakterystyki techniczne

“PDC ECOMONITOR” allows to:
program parameters and operating modes of DKG-21 “EcotestCARD” and DKG-21M dosimeters;
read dosimetric measurement results of DKG-21 “EcotestCARD”, DKG-21M, MKS-07 “POSHUK”, and MKS-U dosimeters;
review and print dosimetric information as reports;
save and export read information as a report or text file for further processing by other text editors;
import previously stored dosimetric information for processing and analysis.
Operating Conditions
The “PDC ECOMONITOR” program operates on the computers running Windows 10 x32 / x64-bit, and connected infrared port adapter (included in the delivery kit).